2021 Winter Storm Relief
As a collaborative partner of the Greater Houston Community Foundation, Olive Branch has been selected to distribute limited funds from the Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund to assist individuals impacted by February's severe winter storm. Olive Branch is proud to provide support to low-income individuals and families, seniors who have suffered hardships as a result of the storm with financial assistance for basic needs.
Submission of application does not guarantee financial assistance and financial requests are capped at a maximum of $1,000 per household.
Olive Branch 2021 Winter Storm Relief Grant
in collaboration with the Greater Houston Community Foundation Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund
Eligibility Requirements
(Must meet of all of the following):
Require assistance with basic needs (excluding home repair) due to hardship caused by the 2021 Winter Storm
Reside in City of Houston and/or Harris County
Sit at or below 80% AMI* prior to Feb. 13, 2021
Have at least one (1) vulnerability factor (see below)
Reside in a highly vulnerable census tract or disproportionately impacted zip code OR have income at or below 60% AMI prior to Feb. 13, 2021
Grant amount
Up to $1,000 per household.
Applications are processed on a rolling basis and grants will be distributed until allocated funds are exhausted.
*Area Median Income. See chart in grant application for more information.